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RSV-100 Vital Signs Monitor


RSV-100 Vital Signs Monitor With Bluetooth Tympanic Thermometer/ Dongle/SPO2 and Standard & Large Adult Cuff

  • Tracks patients over time with physiological and technical alarms
  • Records a single set of vitals; physiological alarms disabled, technical alarms active
  • Triage: Rapid vitals measurement for multiple patients; no patient info or physiological alarms
  • Demo Mode: Simulates all measurement modes for training and demonstration
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  • Profiles: Monitor, Spot Check, Triage, and Demo mode
  • Enables timely medical attention to prevent deterioration
  • Assigns values to key physiological parameters (temperature, respiratory rate, SpO2)
  • Supports NEWS (National Early Warning Scores) and MEWS (Modified Early Warning Scores)
  • Includes five user-defined profiles for tailored parameter settings


Features and Benefits


  • Large 8“ full HD colour TFT-LCD screen displays large numbers and bright colour-coded parameters so vital signs can be seen clearly and interpreted easily.
  • Screen is visible in both dark and lit rooms.
  • Touch screen and intuitive user interface make it quick and easy for patient information to be entered and settings to be amended as required
  • Can be plugged into the mains or powered off the battery for 17 hours
  • Riester is committed to providing reliable clinical measurements, including the choice of SpO2: Riester or Nellcor



  • RVS-100 is programmed with EWS: NEWS, MEWS and 5 more customisable profiles 
  • Serve a large patient population with the ability to save up to 1000 patient records, with up to 5000 measurements per patient.
  • Use on all patient types: adult, paediatric and neonate.
  • RVS-100 can communicate through a wired or wireless connection to the hospital’s EMR/EHR, according to the HL7 standard

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